Drushti's Zimbra Collaboration Suite
In order to continue to strengthen and broaden our product lines, it is with great pride and pleasure. We introduce new addition to Drushti's existing product range - Zimbra Mail Server.
We value our customers and are constantly looking for ways to serve them better. We have found that many of our customers require full-featured, reliable and high-performance email etc. And We believe that now we have a solution.
TheZimbra is an open source software development methodology. Zimbra Collaboration Suite is a full-featured messaging and collaboration application offering reliable, high-performance email, address books, calendaring, task lists, and web document authoring capabilities.
Why does one need Zimbra ? Some of the key reasons:
- One Inbox/Webmail URL Multiple domains.
- Folders, Documents, Contacts Sharing
- Subscribe to RSS/ATOM feeds
- Online Chatting within the users.
- Cost-effective – No need for Microsoft products and licenses to support Zimbra
- Works with the iPhone, ActiveSync, and Blackberry. Plus additional features and security.
End-User Features of Zimbra:
- The Zimbra AJAX web experience works on any computer; email and files travel with you.
- Large inboxes are easy to manage with Zimbra Tags, Conversation Views, and the Visual Search Builder.
- Email, calendar, documents, files and instant messaging are integrated.
- Over-the-air sync to iPhone and BlackBerry plus virtually any device via our mobile web experience.
- Zimbra also syncs with Outlook, Thunderbird and any other standards based clients that support POP/IMAP and iCal/CalDAV.
Administrative Features of Zimbra:
- Migration tools, clustering, full backup and restore, extensive command line interface (CLI) and AJAX Admin Console give more security and span-of-control.
- Web scalability, hierarchical storage management, and single attachment store make for economical deployment.
- APIs to customize ZCS and integrate with other enterprise applications via web services; standards-based data formats and message storage mean no lock-in.
- Integrates with Microsoft Outlook, Active Directory and Exchange for split deployments or gradual migrations.
- Zimbra has multi-tenancy, re-branding support and flexible class-of-service (CoS)- Zimbra can be run on-premises or hosted (we have hundreds of hosted email partners who can manage your deployment).
To know more about 'Zimbra Mail Server Features' Click Here
To know more about the 'Comparison of Zimbra and MS Exchange' Click Here
To avail the demo and know more about Zimbra Mail Server Features call us at 9120 - 25531682 / 83. Also you can write in to us at sales@drushti.in.Our sales team will get in touch with you soon.