- Shared Hosting
- Shared Hosting Windows 2000/NT
- Shared Hosting Linux/Unix
- Mailing
« Shared Hosting »
- Details about Shared/Virtual Hosting at Drushti?
- What are the essentials or tools that are available for managing Shared Hosting accounts?
- Is there any restriction on the no. of users who can avail of shared hosting?
- What is the security feature provided for the Shared Hosting account?
- What are the back-up services that your'll offer?
- How Do I see my website usage or the no.of visitors to my site?
- What is the procedure for managing FTP logs from my end?
- What is the bandwidth required on a general basis while hosting my site on Drushtis Servers?
- What is the time period for my account to get activated?
- How long does it take your DNS to get refreshed?
- In case the name servers are not refreshed , will my Site get uploaded?
- How do I check my files on Server even though my site is not resolving due to nameservers?
- What is Site re-direction?
- Do you provide static IP address on shared servers?
- Incase I need to go in for a secured site, what are the pre-requisites?
- Details about "Shared/Virtual Hosting at Drushti?
We provide you a Hosting service that allows you to effectively manage your site by sharing server space with other clients allowing for a lower cost of service .
All you have to do is upload and maintain your website. We would also be pleased to study client's requirements & suggest the web/database/mail space for the same. If the client has identified the space needs they can give the details of the exact requirements to Drushti. Also if he wishes to run any licensed software on our shared server, we would install the same for him after being satisfied that it would not harm or affect the functioning of the server/other sites hosted on the server.
Drushti provides shared hosting both windows and linux along with shared mail server and customize webmail facility for the client .The high configuration servers are located in both India and US .
Further details about shared hosting prices & features can be found in the site under the link "Shared Windows Hosting" on the site.
- What are the essentials or tools that are available for managing Shared Hosting accounts?
We provide you with control panels that will help you manage your domain.
- Is there any restriction on the no. of users who can avail of shared hosting ?
No there is no such limit.
- What is the security feature provided for the Shared Hosting account?
The account is protected with assigned separate logins and user passwords that are required before Control Panel, SSH, or FTP information is made available.
- What are the back-up services that your'll offer?
Backups are used to protect your site database from media failures or other media errors. Drushti provides backup services for Shared Hosting, Dedicated servers and Colocation Services . The different types of back-ups we deal with are Tape, Clog and Incremental Back-Ups.
- How Do I see my website usage or the no.of visitors to my site?
Website statistics is availed by default for clients either on windows or linux
http://www.yoursite.com/stats (windows) or
- What is the procedure for managing FTP logs from my end?
In the end user control panel i.e https://my.dinpl.com , we have given you adequate access to view the FTP logs as well as delete the same if required
- What is the bandwidth required on a general basis while hosting my site on Drushtis Servers?
To determine how much bandwidth you will need, you must estimate how big each page on your site is and how many people are going to view it. To do this, add up the size of every image on the page and the size of the page's HTML files, and multiply that by the amount of views for that page you expect per month. For example, if you had three 10k images on your page and a 2k HTML file, you would have 32k of data on that page. Multiply that by your expected page views (let's say in this case it is 100,000 per month), and you get 3.2 G of data to be transferred that month for that page. Now calculate this for each page, and you will know approximately how much bandwidth your entire site requires.
- What is the time period for my account to get activated?
The maximum time for an account to be set-up is not more than 8 to 12 hours maximum.
- How long does it take your DNS to get refreshed?
It takes maximum an hour for the DNS to get refreshed from our end. The rest depends on the ISP policy as to how soon they clear the cache from their end.
- In case the name servers are not refreshed , will my Site get uploaded?
Yes you can upload your files by connecting to the server via the IP address .
In the field containing host name, just give in the host IP & you can upload the necessary files.
- How do I check my files on Server even though my site is not resolving due to nameservers?
If the DNS is not resolving, you can check your site that is uploaded on the server by setting proxy on your computer.
Just click on Tools--->Internet Options---->Connections--->Lan Settings---->Use a proxy server(check on this) & give in the server IP address .
Then say OK. The proxy will get set. Once the proxy is set, you can check the site hosted on that server. Pls note at this point of time no other sites will be accessed whihc are not on this server.
- What is Site re-direction ?
Site re-direction means poiting of site to some other site.
In this the domain get's all the files that are applicable to the main site. In site re-direction the only necessity is that the site has to be registered.
The remaining is take care from our end.
- Do you provide static IP address on shared servers?
Yeah we do provide the same. There are some advantages to having a unique IP for your site. When you change servers, you can point your users to a new IP, so they don't have to wait for the domain name change to propagate. With a static IP, it can also be simpler to upload and test your site before transferring the domain name to a new server. Setting up SSL is also much simpler. You may also not want to share your IP with some sites that could lead to your site being banned by search engines or spam lists.
- Incase I need to go in for a secured site, what are the pre-requisites?
Yes, you'll need to get a digital certificate from a Certificate Authority such as VeriSign, Thawte, or Equifax Secure or Entrust.
« Shared Hosting Windows 2000/NT »
- Windows Shared Hosting:
- Which IIS version does windows support?
- What is the Mailing component that you support for form submission?
- What are the Databases that your'll support?
- Do you have any limitations in Database set-up on a single domain?
- What is the SQL version that your server supports?
- What is the process for MS ACCESS DB ?
- Are Write permissions for files given by default?
- What ASP upload component is provided from your end?
- What process do you follow for DLL registration?
- Windows Shared Hosting:
Windows Servers are designed to accommodate advanced Microsoft applications. Windows Servers therefore integrate back office offerings such as FrontPage, Access and MS SQL. Windows Servers also offer specific programming environments such as Active Server Pages (ASP), Visual Basic Scripts, and Cold Fusion, which mainly link database applications to the Web. Windows servers usually do not provide an interactive shell, but are accessible through GUI-based remote administration packages such as PCAnywhere or through a customized control panel. Such packages allow you to log into the server's desktop as chief administrator as long as you have full control over your server. Windows hosting is now an excellent option for both shared and dedicated servers. Due to the latest technological developments, Windows Servers can be more easily multiplexed and managed due to .NET technology. Windows is also an excellent operating system to use if you intend to run your own dedicated server. Since Windows servers provide unparalleled levels of support, security and integration for the Microsoft family of products, we recommend that consumers select Windows hosting if they need to link a Microsoft-based service to their Internet hosting requirements. Windows hosting, however, is rather complex and labor-intensive and should only be selected if a webmaster has extensive experience in maintaining Windows systems remotely and requires product/Web integration.
- Which IIS version does windows support?
IIS version - version 5
- What is the Mailing component that you support for form submission?
We support CDONTS on windows . Using the CDONTS code will help you for submitting form . For your reference following are the code details :
Dim myCDONTSMail
Dim strFrom
Dim strTo
Dim strSubject
Dim strMessage
Dim lngImportance
Dim sbody
sbody=sbody & fname &" </pre> "
Set myCDONTSMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
myCDONTSMail.from="________@domainname.com" 'Pleas assign Value
myCDONTSMail.subject=" Enquiry from the Web site "
Set myCDONTSMail = Nothing
- What are the Databases that your'll support?
Drushti provides wide range of solutions for database servers. In windows we support Oracle, MSSQL as well as MS Access services.
- Do you have any limitations in Database set-up on a single domain?
No there is no such limit for the same. On additional charges further DSN or database can be set for a single domain
- What is the SQL version that your server supports?
The version is MSSQL 2000
For any further queries on MS SQL kindly go to the following link- http://windows.dinpl.com/sql/
- What is the process for MS ACCESS DB?
Firstly upload the .mdb file in the DB directory i.e Domain name/DB/____.mdb
Mail the details i.e DSN name to be given etc.
Once the same is done, all details will be mailed back.
- Are Write permissions for files given by default?
No they are not by default & are provided on request.
- What ASP upload component is provided from your end?
Simple ASP upload
- What process do you follow for DLL registration?
DLL Code has to be submitted by client which is then tested locally from our end.
There are certain Validations that to be checked for eg. restricted DLL not allowed.
Once the same is confirmed from our end we get the same registered & is then hereby informed to the client.
« Shared Hosting Linux/Unix »
- Linux Shared Hosting:
- Which version of Apache does Linux support?
- Which are the other supporting modules & their respective versions?
- Where is perl located on your servers?
- Database required on Linux?
- For form submission what is the component used for linux server?
- What is the link for checking statistics in linux?
- Can I use Java applets, JavaScript, and Flash pages on my site?
- Details about uploading & path of server(classs files) , JSP & MSSQL Driver Details.
- Linux Shared Hosting:
A large number of hosting solutions are provided on the UNIX platform. This is because the UNIX platform is specifically designed to accommodate heavy Web traffic and server loads. UNIX servers are robust and are recognized for their ability to host multiple sites and serve out gigabytes of traffic. This platform is also preferred by most webmasters due to their technical requirements. UNIX servers provide a wider degree of flexibility due to their shell environment. Shell environments are interactive, text-based systems that allow webmasters to interact and customize their services in real-time from any computer system worldwide. Unlike Windows systems, UNIX is not limited to special remote administration programs. A typical UNIX system can be accessed from any computer connected to the Internet without special or expensive software. But the most favored reason that most webmasters choose the UNIX platform is because of its uptime. Most UNIX systems with heavy traffic can provide 99 per cent uptime. Windows servers with heavy traffic usually cannot make this same claim, unless specially configured. For this reason, average webmasters should select UNIX as their OS. If you are a novice, you most likely will not require Windows hosting and you should select one of many UNIX hosting plans. The only time you would need to use Windows hosting is when you are using the specific Windows applications noted above. Microsoft FrontPage may be used on both the UNIX and Windows platforms,since most hosting firms support Microsoft FrontPage server extensions on both.
- Which version of Apache does Linux support
Apache Web Server supports 1.3 version
- Which are the other supporting modules & their respective versions?
Following are the supporting modules :
PHP-version 4.3.3
Perl-version 5.8 ,CGI.
PHPMyAdmin. - 1.0
- Where is perl located on your servers?
Perl is located at /usr/local-bin/perl
- Database required on Linux?
MYSQL Database with version -4.0
- For form submission what is the component used for linux server?
Formmail is the mailing object . For formail the only required things are
html form's action - should be http://domainname.com/cgi-bin/FormMail.pl
and it should contain following hidden fields such as
recipient - email id where the mails will be recieved.
email - it is from email id.
redirect - which is the URL , redirected after sending the mail.
- What is the link for checking statistics in linux?
- Can I use Java applets, JavaScript, and Flash pages on my site?
Yes. Those are client-side technologies, so the host doesn't have to do anything to support or enable them. Any browser (such as Internet Explorer or Netscape) that supports them is enough, so any host will do. It doesn't matter whether Java or Flash are listed among plan's features, they are supported by default.
- Details about uploading & path of server(classs files) , JSP & MSSQL Driver Details
By following way you can view your class file and jsp file on our server.
For Servlet(Class files)
After connecting through ftp, /htdocs directory will be observed.
to upload the class files enter the directory /htdocs/WEB-INF/classes/
To observe the servlet, type in the following url :
name/servlet/servletname eg :
name /servlet/ExampleHelloWorld
Now to upload the jsp files enter the directory /htdocs/
to upload the jsp files enter the directory /htdocs/
inside htdocs folder you can upload the jsp and html files
To observe the jsp files type in the following url :
e.g http://domainname.com/snoop.jsp
Following is MSSQL Driver Detail
For connecting to sql server :
Driver Name = "com.jnetdirect.jsql.JSQLDriver"
jdbc:JSQLConnect://" + hostname + "/database=" + databasename + "& user=/" +
username + "/&password="+password;
« Mailing »
- How do I manage my POP Accounts?
- What are Drushtis incoming/outgoing mail servers?
- What are the additional facilities that you offer with your POP A/c?
- What is SMTP & is it allocated by default?
- Does Drushti have any facility to check mails directly via the web something like yahoo/rediff?
- How is catchall A/c to be set?
- Do you provide Incoming BCC facility?
- How do I alter my mail ID?
- Is there any Maximum attachment size set on server?
- How do I manage my POP Accounts?
Drushti provides a very user friendly control panel both reseller as well as pop wherein the necessary pop a/cs can be managed .
- What are Drushtis incoming/outgoing mail servers?
Incoming Mail server Its the one that receives all your mails (mail.domainname.com)
Outgoing Mail Server Its the one that sends all your mails (mail.domainname.com)
- What are the additional facilities that you offer with your POP A/c?
Along with POP there are 3 additional facilities provided.
Aliasing - Wherein multiple names can be given for a single A/c. Anyone sending a mail to any of those multiple a/cs , the mail gets delivered to he main a/c
Forwarding - Wherein any mail coming to our A/c directly gets receivable in the forwarded external accounts .
- What is SMTP & is it allocated by default?
SMTP is the outgoing mail server i.e the protocol used to deliver the mails.
- Does Drushti have any facility to check mails directly via the web something like yahoo/rediff?
Yes drushti has a webmail facility which allows you to check mails directly on the server . No mail client is required to configure the mails . This webmail has a very user friendly interface . In this webmail too you have 2 options to select from . One is single domain level webmail .ie only pop a/cs pertaining top that particular domain name can be checked. The 2nd one is multiple domain level webmail interface wherein even pop a/cs of different domains can be checked . Also in case you need a customized control panel with your own logos, that also can be taken care of.
- How is catchall A/c to be set?
Catchall A/c is that facility wherein any mails if coming to non-existing ids of a domain, gets deposited in that catcahll a/c that is set by us. In that way you do not lose any mails even if misspelt coming under that domain name.
- Do you provide Incoming BCC facility?
Yes Incoming BCC facility is provided by us. In this case whenever any mails are sent to any of the ids of that particular domain, a copy of the same goes to the incoming BCC A/c that is set .
- How do I alter my mail ID?
There is no way by which you can alter your mail id . In case any character needs to altered, the only option is to delete the same.
- Is there any Maximum attachment size set on server?
The maximum attachment size depends upon the size of that particular pop A/c & how much it can accommodate .. In case of webmail, the maximum limit is 2 MB only.