Anti Spam Services from Drushti, Pune, India
Drushti NET is glad to offer an effective and affordable spam prevention system for all your incoming mails.
SpamFilter ISP's strength lies in the large number of filters that are applied to detect
Which Emails Are Blocked (Blacklisted)
Images - New! - SPAM Filter is able to scan inside images embedded in emails for spam content.- SFDB Filter - New! All the thousands of SpamFilter installations in the world are networked together to create a huge database of spammer's IP addresses. SpamFilter uses this database, updated in real-time, to block spam.
- MAPS Servers - Our SPAM Filter server checks the IP address initiating the connection. If it is listed in one of its many DNS RBL blacklist servers the connection is refused.
- SURBL Servers - SpamFilter scans the content of emails for any HTTP links and URLs. Every link found is then tested against one of the many SURBL DNS blacklists available. If present, the connection is refused.
- Local IP Blacklist - OurSPAM Filter server checks if the remote server's IP address matches an entry in your local IP blacklist file, the email is rejected.
- Local Domain Blacklist - The SPAM Filter gateway checks if the domain portion in the sender's email address is in your local domain blacklist file, the email is also rejected.
- Local Country Blacklist - The sender's Country is tested to see if it is in your list of undesired countries. If so, the email is refused.
- Local FROM Email Blacklist - The sender's email address is checked against your local list of blacklisted email addresses. If present, it is rejected.
- Local TO Email Blacklist - The recipient's email address is checked against your local list of blacklisted email addresses. If present, it is rejected.
- Attachment Blocking - SPAM Filter can check emails for specific attachments or attachment extensions. If found, the email is rejected.
- Keyword Content Filtering - SPAM Filter can check email content and subject for specific keyword and/or phrases. If found, the email is rejected.
- Bayesian statistical DNA fingerprinting - The new v2.x release of SPAM Filter ISP features statistical DNA fingerprinting of incoming emails. This filter is self learning, continuously analyzing your incoming traffic to improve its accuracy with time.
Which Emails Are Allowed (White-listed)
A payment gateway facilitates the transfer of information between a payment portal (such as a website, mobile phone or IVR service) and the Front End Processor or acquiring bank. When a customer orders a product from a payment gateway enabled merchant, the payment gateway performs a variety of tasks to process the transaction:
- Allowed domains - If the IP passes the DNS tests SPAM Filter then checks the recipient domain. If the domain is listed as a local domain, then the recipient is accepted. This is done to prevent spammers to use SPAM Filter to relay.
- Excluded IPs - If an IP is blacklisted, but you really need to be able to receive email from that domain anyways, the domain can be added in an exclude list as to allow it to bypass the blacklist rules.
- Excluded Domains - If an IP is blacklisted but you still wish to receive email from them, the IP can be added to an IP exclude list to allow it to bypass the blacklist rules.
- Unfiltered Emails - If you have users who do not want to receive filtered emails, they can be accommodated by adding them to a pass-list. Emails addressed to them will bypass all of SPAMFilter rules.
- Excluded FROM Emails - If you want a sender's email address to be excluded from all filtering rules, you can add it to an exclude list.
- Authorized TO Emails - If you want SPAM Filter to only deliver emails to specific addresses in your domain(s), you can manage such a list here. Please not that if such a list is present, SPAMFilter will not deliver email to an address unless it is present in such a list. Use with care.
Drushti’s High end premium mail servers are now configured with SpamFilter to handle spam for all your incoming mail traffic.
Advantages using Spam Filter :
- Several spam filtering methods to identify spam.
- Messages identified as spam are moved to the Spam Quarantine and using our control panel they can be viewed, retrieved, and confirmed as spam or as allowable email.
- Threats are identified, quarantined, and blocked before they reach your inbox.
- Rapid Implementation. No changes / configurations from your side.
To avail the Spam Free mailing, call us at 9120 - 25531682 / 83,Also you can write in to us at sales team will get in touch with you soon.