Drushti - Pune, Anti Spam Email Solutions
Drushti Anti spam solution is a 'Managed Email Security solution'which
helps you block spam and viruses before they reach your mailbox. To sign
up for our advanced anti spam and email security system at cheap and affordable rates call us at 020-25531682/83 or email us at
Pricing :
Users |
Price in Rs. |
10 Users |
2,500/- |
25 Users |
5,000/- |
50 Users |
10,000/- |
100 Users |
18,000/- |
Every additional user thereafter would cost Rs.175 per user.
How it works
Drushti's Anti spam Servers strength lies in the large number of filters
that are applied to detect spam. Below is a partial list of some of the
SFDB - Spam Filter Distributed Blacklist Database
SFDC - SpamFilter Distributed Content Database
RBL and SURBL Blacklists
Bayesian statistical DNA fingerprinting
SPF - Sender Policy Framework
Block Emails from User-Defined Countries
- Local IP Blacklist - Our SPAM Filter server checks if the remote
server's IP address matches an entry in your local IP blacklist file,
- Local Domain Blacklist - The SPAM Filter gateway checks if the
domain portion in the sender's email address is in your local domain
- Local FROM EMail Blacklist - The sender's email address is checked
against your local list of blacklisted email addresses. If present, it
- Local TO EMail Blacklist - The recipient's email address is checked
against your local list of blacklisted email addresses. If present, it
- Attachment Blocking - SPAM Filter can check emails for specific
- Keyword Content Filtering - Our SPAM Filtering software can check email content and subject for specific keyword and/or phrases.
- Honeypot Emails - You can have a list of "honeypot" email addresses.
Any email sent to an address in the list will cause the sender's IP to
be blacklisted.
- Connections can be rejected if the remote server does not have a
reverse DNS PTR entry.
- Spam Filter is able to check if the sender's MX DNS record is valid
- Refuse connections if there are too many spaces in the subject line.
- Max Recipients in single session - Use this setting to limit how
many RCPT TO commands can be issued in a single session.
- Max Email Size - Incoming emails can be blocked if they exceed a
- Reject if Empty "Mail From" - If this option is checked SPAMFilter
will reject all emails with an empty "Mail From" field.
- Reject if "Mail From" = "Mail To" - Reject all emails where the
sender's email is the same as the recipient's email.
- Reject if "From Domain" = "To Domain" - SPAM Filter can reject all
email where the sender's domain is the same as the recipient's domain.
- Tag Spam & Deliver - Allows to tag spam by adding the header
"X-SF-SPAM:Y" to email classified as spam. The email is then forwarded
to the destination SMTP server. This allows administrators to handle
spam as they wish on the back-end.
- Tag Spam in Subject & Deliver - Allows to tag spam by prefixing the
word SPAM: in the subject line of emails classified as spam. The email
is then forwarded to the destination SMTP server. This allows
administrators to handle spam as they wish on the back-end.
You can feel free to Contact Us any time for the Anti Spam Email Solutions
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